Gematria is an ancient system of numerology used in Hebrew and other Semitic languages, most commonly associated with the Hebrew alphabet. It assigns numerical value to words and phrases in order to uncover hidden meaning and symbolism. In essence, each letter is assigned numeric value and these values are combined to form a phrase or word's "numerical weight."
Gematria dates back to ancient Hebrew culture, and was used as a way to explore the underlying mysteries of the Universe. This system of numerology was used for analyzing sacred texts like the Torah, by seeing which numbers repeatedly appear throughout its text. By understanding their weighted numerical value, it is believed that we can uncover significant messages about God or the nature of existence itself. For instance, the words for "God" and "love" both have a numerical value of 26 in gematria, indicating some kind of divine synchrony between them.
Another important application of gematria is its use in mystical Kabbalah teaching, which assigns metaphysical power to certain sets of words or phrases that are linked together through the same numerical combination. In essence, these words or phrases become symbols that represent various spiritual truths. Gematria is also used by modern-day Jewish scholars who study magical Talmud teachings for guidance on life issues such as business deals or romantic relationships.
See more about hebrew gematria
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